Dani is a momma who has been tattooing since 2015, born and raised in midcity New Orleans. She is preceded by a family of supportive tattoo collectors that help her grow and share her passion. Before a two year apprenticeship under her sister, Dani collected tattoos and worked in shops for ten years until the birth of her daughter. She has tattooed in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and traveled around the south to spread her artwork through conventions. Dani has a focus in illustrative botanical tattoos, but is also heavily inspired by American traditional, bright color, and illustrative black & grey. She left a life of customer service, painting, and decorating cakes to fulfill the dream she found in being a part of the the tattoo industry. Dani’s drive and enjoyment in giving clients exactly what they love gives her a reason to wake up every day and spread her art around the country. 

“When I do what I love, I never work a day in my life.”

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